
See refining info from the American Fuel and Petroleum Manufacturers.

Crude Oil: mixture of many different hydrocarbon substances

Refining: process of separating crude oil into fractions using distillation.

Distillation: Process using boiling point differences to separate different liquids from each other. See Wikipedia distillation article for more info.

"Crude Oil Distillation" by Users Psarianos, Theresa knott on en.wikipedia
“Crude Oil Distillation” by Users Psarianos, Theresa knott on en.wikipedia

Fractions: mixtures of liquids with similar boiling points taken from a distillation column. In the diagram above, “gasoline” and “fuel oil” are some of the fractions.

Light fractions boil easier and are taken from the top of a tower; heavy fractions are more difficult to boil and flow to the bottom of the tower; fractions with middle boiling points are taken from the middle of the tower.