Outside Resources:
You can ask the user for input as follows:
response = input('Say something: ') print('You said this:') print(response)
The input() function waits for the user to type some text and then returns that value. In this example, it stores that data in a variable called response.
The text in the parentheses of the input() function is the prompt. This text is printed on the screen so the user knows what to do.
Note: input() in Python 3 is the same as raw_input() in Python 2.
The input() function always returns a string, even if the user types a number. Here is a demonstration of this:
a = input('Enter a number: ') print(a * 5) print(a + 3)
Output if you type “7”
Enter a number: 7 77777 Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 7, inprint(a + 3) TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str
This is happening because “7” is a text string, and multiplying a string by 5 just causes it to repeat 5 times. You can’t add the int 3 to a string, so that part caused an error.
To fix this, convert the user input to int using the int() function:
a = input('Enter a number: ') print(int(a) * 5) print(int(a) + 3)
New Output:
a = input('Enter a number: ') print(a * 5) print(a + 3)