Attributes are variables that belong to an object.
Objective: create a game object that can keep track of a score.
Example Code:
class game: pass mygame = game() mygame.score = 0 mygame.score += 250 print(mygame.score)
The game class includes no instructions: pass means “do nothing.” This means that the game class is totally generic – it has no class methods or attributes. We’re keeping things simple right now!
The following line creates a game object called mygame:
mygame = game()
To begin with, mygame doesn’t do anything or contain any data.
The following creates a variable named score as part of the mygame object and initializes it to zero:
mygame.score = 0
Now the score attribute can be modified and accessed:
mygame.score += 250 print(mygame.score)
To access an object’s variables, type the object name , followed by a dot, then the attribute name.
An object can have many attributes. They can be different types.
mygame.player_name = "Potato" mygame.difficulty = "easy" mygame.inventory = ['spatula', 'towel'] mygame.experience = 100
These commands add four attributes to the mygame object, including String, list, and int types.
Different Objects, Different Values
Let’s create two game objects:
g1 = game() g2 = game()
Each of these can have different scores:
g1.score = 200 g2.score = 9000
Each object has its own separate identity, so it makes sense that each object can have different values for each of its own attributes.