Use the data, courtesy of FiveThirtyEight, to answer the questions.
Choose your own tools for analyzing the data.
- Import CSV data into Excel or Google Sheets
- Load CSV in python using import csv or import pandas
Halloween Candy Rankings
1) What is the best Halloween candy according to the data?
2) Calculate the average winning percentage for all candies containing caramel, then for all candies containing nougate. Which ingredient is most popular on average?
3) Calculate the average number of ingredient categories for all of the candies. How many ingredients do they have on average?
4) What percent of all of the candies contain chocolate?
5) What is the average winning percentage for candies that don’t have chocolate?
College Majors
College Majors Zip File Download
College Majors Raw Data: this time you need to browse and figure how to how to find what raw data you need.
According to the data, what specific majors have the highest and lowest unemployment rates?
What major categories have the highest and lowest salaries?
Which majors have the highest percentage of women among recent graduates?
Which majors are closest to exactly 50% women among recent graduates?
What majors have the highest percentage of people in low wage jobs and what majors have the highest percentage of people in college jobs?
Bob Ross Data
Bob Ross Raw Data Link
(get the raw data by clicking the file, then the “raw” button)
Raw Data Link hosted at
1) Load the data into a list of lists. Each row of data should become a list that gets appended into the overall list.
2) How many episodes are in the spreadsheet?
3) Using a for loop, iterate through just the first row of data, which includes the category titles. Print out the row number and title for each row so you can find what column number is the “MOUNTAIN” column.
You will want to use a counter variable (for i in range style) or the enumerate function to get the item numbers to print along with the column titles.
(Or, you can do it the hard way and open it in Excel and count sideways by hand, starting with zero.)
4) How many Bob Ross paintings include mountains?
5) How many Bob Ross paintings do not include clouds?
6) How many Bob Ross paintings include both clouds and a cabin?
7) How many Bob Ross paintings include at least six different elements? (more difficult)
8) What are the three most common elements in Bob Ross paintings? (more difficult)