Constant velocity equation:
Equations for uniform acceleration:
Acceleration due to gravity:
g = 9.8 m/s2
OR, g = 10 m/s2 (if you round it up)
t = time (s)
x = position (m)
v = velocity (m/s)
a = acceleration (m/s2)
Δx = displacement = change in position = x – x0
x0 = initial position
Δv = change in velocity = v – v0
= average velocity
v0 = initial velocity
Δt = change in time = t – t0
(often t0=0 and therefore t = Δt)
Δ (Greek letter delta) means “change in.” Subtract the final and initial values to get the change in a variable.
“Before” and “after” values of a variable are notated in several ways in physics:
(“f” means final and “i” means initial)
(“x0” means value of x at time=0, or the initial value of x, and “x” means value of x at a later time.)
( means x “prime” and means the value of x at a later time. Plain “x” is the initial value of x.)