Assignment Descriptions:
Method Aventure Game Continued
Grading – Programming Standard:
Level 4
- Incorporates an advanced coding concepts:
- example: lists/arrays for inventory
- example: switches for complicated if/else structures.
- example: classes / objects if you want to get ambitious
- example: clever / efficient use of helper methods that are called from other methods and return values
- Code is not unnecessarily complicated; for example, use multiple methods instead of giant methods with giant if/else structures
Level 3
- Game includes multiple (3-4) additional commands beyond the ones for traveling to areas.
- Uses methods that have return values and input parameters/arguments
- Uses if/else if/else structures appropriately
- Curly braces and tabs are organized appropriately in code
- Uses a main method and several other methods; other method(s) called from the main method to begin the game
- Uses static class variables to store information that can be accessed from any method
- Code is organized into bite-sized methods to avoid having lots of different game functions programmed into one or two gigantic methods
Level 2
- Game includes 1-2 additional commands beyond the ones for traveling to areas.
- Additional methods are defined to represent other commands (see Method Adventure Continued for ideas)
Level 1
- Defines and calls at least three methods to represent different areas of the game
- User types text commands to go to different areas
Grading – Computation Artifact Standard:
Level 4
- Reads the user’s text commands in a flexible and robust way; for example, handles upper/lower case, handles single word commands and also commands that include a certain keyword, etc.
- Incorporates randomness to make the game more interesting and challenging
- Includes one or more advanced features such as an item / inventory system
Level 3
- Relatively free of bugs
- Easy for the player to figure out – provides in game instructions
- Interesting to play
Level 2
- Includes commands beyond moving between areas
- Game includes instructions so the player can figure out what to do
Level 1
- Includes at least three areas
- player can travel between areas
- Game tells the player what is happening every time they move to a new area